Josh Wheeler
House District 35B
I was born and raised in Ammon, Idaho. I had the joy to graduate from Hillcrest High School, where I met and dated my wife, Laramie Linning. After high school, I served in Brazil for two years as a missionary and then I fulfilled my dream of marrying my high school sweetheart.
Laramie and I left our hometowns to study first in Provo, where I studied and completed a degree in construction management. After graduation, we relocated to Phoenix, where my wife went to medical school and I went to work. Happily, we were able to return to southeast Idaho, where I added to my education with an MBA from Idaho State University.
Dr. Wheeler attended the residency at Portneuf Medical Center. Afterward, she went to work at Blackfoot Medical Center. I took on more and more roles at Wheeler Electric - my family’s business. Laramie eventually started her own clinic back in Ammon. As for me, I decided to continue the legacy of our third-generation family-owned business by joining with my cousins in buying it out and serving as a co-owner.
Through all those adventures, we raised 6 fine children here in southeast Idaho. In 2018, our 10-year-old son, Han, suffered a debilitating brain injury from an undiagnosed tumor. After 6 months in a broken body, we lost him. Through that entire trial, the people of this community rallied around us. They lifted us in a way that nothing else could have. I truly don’t have the words to describe the lifeline our family, friends, church, neighbors and even the entire area were and continue to be for my family.
After Han was gone, I felt a deep drive to give back to the community, to get involved locally. That is why I ran for Ammon City council in 2019. I have treasured my experience on the city council thus far. However, recently I felt once again that I needed to run for State Representative at this time and work to give the best control and representation to the local communities. Our communities are stronger, more efficient and simply better when local governments make decisions for the very communities in which they live. Idaho values work best locally.